Our commitments
A human approach
When we started the Ma Clé IMMO estate agency, we wanted to make it really mean something. Not just to sell and rent property in the mountains, but also to open them up to people.
That was when we had the idea of donating a percentage of our yearly turnover to associations that are linked to Val Thorens and/or the mountains.
How can you contribute? ?
- For every Ma Clé IMMO agency letting, 1€ will go to an association
- For every Ma Clé IMMO agency sale, 1% of the fee excl. tax will go to an association
In the past 9 years, we have collected more than €20,000. Which we have donated to 2 associations.

Val Thorens’ Ski Club
Founded in 1978, Val Thorens’ Ski Club trains both élite skiers and a large number of ski instructors. Thanks to its 8 coaches, the Ski Club trains more than 100 youngsters every winter in 3 different categories: Alpine, Freeski and Skicross.
Skiing is one of Val Thorens’ leading sporting and social activities, allowing many young adults to find a professional vocation, whilst for others it’s a way of nurturing their passion.
Partnering up with Val Thorens’ Ski Club was a way for us to make a long-term commitment to the resort, and to support a club which is so important for our children.

AMEV association
The aim of the AMEV association (Aid to Vietnam Ethnic Minorities) is to provide help in the central highlands region of Vietnam (Kon Tum), building traditional village houses in particular, which helps to preserve the Bahnar cultural identity.
Brought together by their mountain values, for the past 20 years a handful of Val Thorens locals has got together to help develop these little Vietnamese mountain villages. Funds are raised both by the association, and the «Kontum» event thought up by François-Xavier, a Vietnamese ski instructor in Val Thorens.
Why join forces with this association?
In the summer of 2015, Clémentine and her husband Sylvain discovered the village of Kon Doxing (in the Kon Tum region) on their honeymoon. They stayed with the family of François-Xavier, a Kon Tum native and ski instructor in Val Thorens. They received such a warm welcome, and through the agency Clémentine is able to thank them by giving them this gift. The donation provided by the agency will help them to improve and extend their village by building more houses and buying more pigs.
This winter, the funds raised will be donated to these 2 associations again.
It goes without saying that you are a big part of our project.